TerraAnchor is an active anchoring system used for permanent as well as temporary stabilisation of existing slopes and structures by using high tensile steel soil anchors (galvanized bar or strands).This driven and stressed soil anchoring system is used with a suitable facing. Unlike other slope stabilisation methods, this system does not require heavy equipment and cement (grout), thus making it a practical solution, without the need for heavy working platforms and large work space.


  • Strengthening: TerraAnchor can be used for strengthening of existing slopes, embankments, tunnel portals, tunnel caverns, retaining structures and gabion walls.
  • Temporary or Permanent Stabilisation of Excavation: TerraAnchor can be used for stabilisation of excavation during construction of any buried structure (such as bridges, underpasses, building basements) for temporary or permanent stabilisation of the excavated ground slope.
  • Slope Stabilisation: TerraAnchor alone or in combination with other slope stabilisation techniques can be used for rehabilitation of failed slopes and landslides.
  • Support System: TerraAnchor can be used for providing support to gabions, structural scaffoldings, sheet piles and also against uprooting of trees, electric or telecommunication towers and posts.
  • Anchorage: TerraAnchor can be used to improve anchorage for erosion protection mattress, precast armours and grouted mattresses.
  • Control of Buoyancy and Uplift Pressure: TerraAnchor of suitable capacity is used for control of buoyancy and uplift pressure in foundation raft, pipelines and submarine protection systems.

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