Basal Reinforcement

Geoquest Products Asia have developed strong engineering expertise and know-how of high-quality materials for earth works and basal reinforcement applications. These applications span over a wide range of possibilities such as embankments over soft soils, embankments over piles, embankments over subsidence, soil reinforcement and pavement, and drainage.


Geoquest Products Asia offers the ArmaLynk ultra high strength geogrid for basal reinforcement and ground stabilization applications.
Our ArmaLynk line provides engineers and builders with a straightforward and full-service approach for procuring ultra high performance geogrids. Our geogrid performance properties are easily identifiable to specify for use on projects of all types in all construction sectors.

ArmaLynk–PETHS is a soil reinforcement geosynthetic, manufactured from high tenacity polyester yarns, extruded to form polymeric strips encased in Polyethylene sheath, and welded together to cross stripsto generate a stable and strong geogrid structure.


Basal Reinforcement:

Embankments Over Soft and Very Soft Soils:

The stability of an embankment on soft soil is governed mostly by the shearing resistance of the foundation. Essentially, the construction of an embankment on soft soil is a problem of bearing capacity. Embankment on soft soil reinforced with ArmaLynk provides additional stability to the embankment i.e. to prevent possible slips from occurring. ArmaLynk design utilizes standard geotechnical practices to integrate strong unidirectional geosynthetic grids engineered to bear loads with minimum deformation. ArmaLynk helps in reducing the construction time and increases the global performance of the project when compared with conventional methods like excavation and replacement, displacement, desiccation, progressive displacement, chemical stabilization etc.

Reinforced Embankments Over Areas Prone to Subsidence:

Subsidence typically results from the sudden collapse of a subterranean cavity, typically formed as a result of natural processes such as erosion in karst areas or human intervention such as mining shafts or groundwater exploitation. Reinforced embankments with ArmaLynk over areas prone to subsidence are the subset of basal reinforcement that aims to reduce the impact of a collapse providing support to the embankment, while minimizing the effects of the failure in the surface deformation. The inclusion of ArmaLynk reinforcement ensures the possibility of first detecting a failure, second, a quick reaction allowing the repairs and filling the void underneath the embankment structure without a complete collapse.

Piled Embankment with Basal Reinforcement:

Structures founded over soft soils such as bridges, piers, and tanks commonly utilize piles to reduce settlements. The interaction between the piles, ArmaLynk and the granular fill provides an engineered system leading to more resilient infrastructure. The benefits of ArmaLynk are the decrease in the number of inclusions needed, faster construction, and better control of differential settlements associated with soft soils.

Piggyback Landfill Expansions:

High strength ArmaLynk geosynthetics can be efficiently used in combination with other Geoquest products for landfill piggybacking to solve the ever growing problem of waste materials disposal, especially for raising of the dykes over existing landfills and increasing the capacity of abandoned landfills.

Lagoon Closures:

ArmaLynk in combination with other Geoquest products facilitates sludge lagoons remediation on soft to very soft ground condition together with special geotechnical stabilisation techniques and helps in land reclamation and redevelopment for various purposes like waste lagoon and sludge pond closures.

Access Roads and Load Bearing Platforms:

ArmaLynk when used in the ground improvement process of access road for heavy load movements and for load bearing platforms, induces stiffness to the soil underneath, improves lateral restraint, reduces the applied load on the soft soil and controls the differential settlement. It is used in the transition layer for distribution and transfer of load to rigid inclusions like stone columns or piles in soft foundation and optimises the requirement of such rigid inclusions.

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